General data

The sale of articles through this web page is done under the name of SOARES MEN CARE by SOARES MEN CARE SCP with NIF J67524611, tax domicile at C/ Ferrocarrils Catalans 4, 08640 Olesa de Monserrat (Barcelona) and with email:

Once you have received your order from, you have a period of 10 calendar days to return it in case you detect a break age of the product. Only returns of those products that arrive in poor condition as a result of transport will be made. Complying with the rules of hygiene and health, no refunds will be made if after receiving the product, this is not to your liking.

If the product has arrived damaged as a result of transport you have a period of 24 hours to notify it through our contact form or by writing an email to

Once the carrier confirms that the package was not in good condition, there fund of the cost of the good swill be made automatically in the same way we receive the payment.